[My Photo] Dr. (Ph.D.) Daniel E. Severín

Facultad de Cs. Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura
Universidad Nacional de Rosario

[Degree] I am a researcher at Universidad Nacional de Rosario and member of the Combinatorial Optimization Group in Rosario. My main interests are Combinatorial Optimization and Integer Programming.
[Poly] I have defended my Ph.D. thesis entitled A Branch and Cut algorithm for solving the Equitable Graph Coloring Problem on March 28th, 2012 at Universidad de Buenos Aires.
[Books] Also, I am an Assistant Professor (JTP in spanish) of Numerical Analysis, Applied Computing and Combinatorial Optimization.
[Pictures] In this link there are some pics of me.
[Ecopt] ECOPT: Equitable Coloring Optimizer.
TABUEQCOL: Tabu search for the Equitable Coloring Problem.
[Urfidesh] Urfidesh: An interpreter of unary recursive functions.
[CD] Cordoba Durchmusterung: An argentine stellar catalog.
[Faraon] El Faraón: An interesting puzzle generator.

Ph.D. thesis in spanish: Tesis.pdf, Slides2.pdf
Degree thesis in spanish: Tesina.pdf, Slides.pdf
Curriculum vitae in spanish: cvspanish.pdf

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