Properties of the model

Require Export TransFunc.

Section ModelProperties.

  • This is the defintion of a secure state from the DAC security policy point of view.

Definition DACSecureState [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
     Cases (fsecmat (secmat s) o) of
      |None => True
      |(Some y) => ((set_In u (ActReaders y)) -> (PreDACRead s u o))
                    /\((set_In u (ActWriters y)) ->(PreDACWrite s u o))

  • This is the defintion of a secure state from the MAC security policy point of view. It says that an state is MAC secure if for each subject accesing an object, the security class of the former dominates the security class of the object.

Definition SimpleSecurity [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
      Cases (fsecmat (secmat s) o)
            (fOSC (objectSC s) o)
            (fSSC (subjectSC s) u) of
       |None _ _ => True
       |_ None _ => True
       |_ _ None => True
       |(Some x)
        (Some y)
        (Some z) =>
           ((set_In u (ActReaders x)) \/ (set_In u (ActWriters x)))
           ->(le_sc y z)

  • An state is secure if it's both DAC and MAC secure.

Definition SecureState [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
   (DACSecureState s) /\ (SimpleSecurity s).

  • This is the definition of the *-property adapted from the Bell-LaPadula's model. It says that whenever a subject is accesing an object for reading and another object for writing, then the security class of the first object must be dominated by the security class of the second.

Definition StarProperty [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
 (u:SUBJECT; o1,o2:OBJECT)
      Cases (fsecmat (secmat s) o1)
            (fsecmat (secmat s) o2)
            (fOSC (objectSC s) o2)
            (fOSC (objectSC s) o1) of
       |None _ _ _ => True
       |_ None _ _ => True
       |_ _ None _ => True
       |_ _ _ None => True
       |(Some w)
        (Some x)
        (Some y)
        (Some z) => (set_In u (ActWriters w))
                       ->(set_In u (ActReaders x))
                       ->(le_sc y z)

  • We also want operations that deal securely with control attributes, i.e. the owners of an ACL, the security class associated with subjects and objects, etc. Informally, the policy says that the owner of an object or a member of RootGrp are the only allowed to change the DACcontrol attributes associated with the object; that the members of SecAdmGrp are the ones that can change the MAC control attributes associated with subjects and objects; and that RootGrp must always be owner of all objects.

Inductive AclChanged: AccessCtrlListData-> AccessCtrlListData-> Prop :=

 |UR: (a:AccessCtrlListData; b,c: (set SUBJECT))
      ~b=c ->
      (AclChanged (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           b (GroupReaders a)
                           (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                           (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a))
                  (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           c (GroupReaders a)
                           (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                           (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a)))
 |GR: (a:AccessCtrlListData; b,c: (set GRPNAME))
      ~b=c ->
      (AclChanged (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) b
                           (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                           (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a))
                  (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) c
                           (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                           (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a)))

 |UW: (a:AccessCtrlListData; b,c: (set SUBJECT))
      ~b=c ->
      (AclChanged (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                           b (GroupWriters a)
                           (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a))
                  (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                           c (GroupWriters a)
                           (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a)))

 |GW: (a:AccessCtrlListData; b,c: (set GRPNAME))
      ~b=c ->
      (AclChanged (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                           (UsersWriters a) b
                           (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a))
                  (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                           (UsersWriters a) c
                           (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a)))

 |UO: (a:AccessCtrlListData; b,c: (set SUBJECT))
      ~b=c ->
      (AclChanged (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                           (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                           b (GroupOwners a))
                  (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                           (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                           c (GroupOwners a)))

 |GO: (a:AccessCtrlListData; b,c: (set GRPNAME))
      ~b=c ->
      (AclChanged (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                           (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                           (UsersOwners a) b )
                  (acldata (owner a) (group a)
                           (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                           (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                           (UsersOwners a) c )).

 UNIXAttrChanged : AccessCtrlListData -> AccessCtrlListData -> Prop :=
 |Owner: (a:AccessCtrlListData; b,c:SUBJECT)
         ~b=c ->
         (UNIXAttrChanged (acldata b (group a)
                                   (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                                   (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                                   (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a))
                          (acldata c (group a)
                                   (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                                   (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                                   (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a)))

 |Group: (a:AccessCtrlListData; b,c:GRPNAME)
         ~b=c ->
         (UNIXAttrChanged (acldata (owner a) b
                                   (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                                   (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                                   (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a))
                          (acldata (owner a) c
                                   (UsersReaders a) (GroupReaders a)
                                   (UsersWriters a) (GroupWriters a)
                                   (UsersOwners a) (GroupOwners a))).

Inductive DACCtrlAttrHaveChanged [s,t:SFSstate; o:OBJECT] : Prop :=
   |ACL : (y,z:AccessCtrlListData)
            (facl (acl s) o)=(Some AccessCtrlListData y)
            ->(facl (acl t) o)=(Some AccessCtrlListData z)
            ->(AclChanged y z)
            ->(DACCtrlAttrHaveChanged s t o)

   |UNIX: (y,z:AccessCtrlListData)
            (facl (acl s) o)=(Some AccessCtrlListData y)
            ->(facl (acl t) o)=(Some AccessCtrlListData z)
            ->(UNIXAttrChanged y z)
            ->(DACCtrlAttrHaveChanged s t o).

Inductive SecClassChanged: SecClass -> SecClass -> Prop :=
 |Level: (a:SecClass; b,c:(set CATEGORY))
         ~b=c ->
         (SecClassChanged (sclass (level a) b) (sclass (level a) c))
 |Categ: (a:SecClass; b,c:SECLEV)
         ~b=c ->
         (SecClassChanged (sclass b (categs a)) (sclass c (categs a))).

Inductive MACObjCtrlAttrHaveChanged [s,t:SFSstate; o:OBJECT] : Prop :=
   |SCo: (x,y:SecClass)
           (fOSC (objectSC s) o)=(Some SecClass x)
           ->(fOSC (objectSC t) o)=(Some SecClass y)
           ->(SecClassChanged x y)
           ->(MACObjCtrlAttrHaveChanged s t o).

Inductive MACSubCtrlAttrHaveChanged [s,t:SFSstate; u:SUBJECT] : Prop :=
 |SCu: (x,y:SecClass)
           (fSSC (subjectSC s) u)=(Some SecClass x)
           ->(fSSC (subjectSC t) u)=(Some SecClass y)
           ->(SecClassChanged x y)
           ->(MACSubCtrlAttrHaveChanged s t u).

Definition ControlProperty
   [u:SUBJECT; s,t:SFSstate] : Prop :=
    ((DACCtrlAttrHaveChanged s t o)
     ->(ExecuterIsOwner s u o))
    /\((MACObjCtrlAttrHaveChanged s t o)
      ->(set_In u ((groups s) (SecAdmGrp s)))))
      (MACSubCtrlAttrHaveChanged s t u0)
      ->(set_In u ((groups s) (SecAdmGrp s))).

Definition PreservesControlProp
   [s:SFSstate; op: Operation; t:SFSstate] : Prop :=
     (TransFunc u s op t)
     ->(ControlProperty u s t).

Well-formedness system invariants.

Axiom WFSI1:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   ((o:OBJECT)(set_In o (DOM OBJeq_dec (files s)))
    ->(ObjType o)=File)
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->((o:OBJECT)(set_In o (DOM OBJeq_dec (files t)))
      ->(ObjType o)=File).

Axiom WFSI2:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   ((o:OBJECT)(set_In o (DOM OBJeq_dec (directories s)))
    ->(ObjType o)=Directory)
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->((o:OBJECT)(set_In o (DOM OBJeq_dec (directories t)))
      ->(ObjType o)=Directory).

Axiom WFSI3:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   (DOM OBJeq_dec (acl s))=(set_union OBJeq_dec
                                      (DOM OBJeq_dec (files s))
                                      (DOM OBJeq_dec (directories s)))
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->(DOM OBJeq_dec (acl t))=(set_union
                               (DOM OBJeq_dec (files t))
                               (DOM OBJeq_dec (directories t))).

Definition FuncPre1 [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
  ((o:OBJECT)(set_In o (DOM OBJeq_dec (directories s)))
   ->(ObjType o)=Directory)
  /\((o:OBJECT)(set_In o (DOM OBJeq_dec (files s)))
     ->(ObjType o)=File)
  /\(DOM OBJeq_dec (acl s))=
     (set_union OBJeq_dec
                (DOM OBJeq_dec (files s))
                (DOM OBJeq_dec (directories s))).

Axiom WFSI4:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   (DOM OBJeq_dec (acl s))=(DOM OBJeq_dec (objectSC s))
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->(DOM OBJeq_dec (acl t))=(DOM OBJeq_dec (objectSC t)).

Definition FuncPre2 [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
 (DOM OBJeq_dec (acl s))=(DOM OBJeq_dec (objectSC s)).

Axiom WFSI5:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   (Included (DOM OBJeq_dec (secmat s)) (DOM OBJeq_dec (acl s)))
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->(Included (DOM OBJeq_dec (secmat t)) (DOM OBJeq_dec (acl t))).

Definition FuncPre3 [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
  (Included (DOM OBJeq_dec (secmat s)) (DOM OBJeq_dec (acl s))).

Axiom WFSI6:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   (IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (acl s))
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->(IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (acl t)).

Definition FuncPre4 [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
 (IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (acl s)).

Axiom WFSI7:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   (IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (secmat s))
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->(IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (secmat t)).

Definition FuncPre5 [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
 (IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (secmat s)).

Axiom WFSI8:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   (IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (objectSC s))
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->(IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (objectSC t)).

Definition FuncPre6 [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
 (IsPARTFUNC OBJeq_dec (objectSC s)).

Axiom WFSI9:
 (s:SFSstate; op:Operation; t:SFSstate)
   (IsPARTFUNC SUBeq_dec (subjectSC s))
   ->(TransFunc u s op t)
   ->(IsPARTFUNC SUBeq_dec (subjectSC t)).

Definition FuncPre7 [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
 (IsPARTFUNC SUBeq_dec (subjectSC s)).

End ModelProperties.

Hints Unfold SecureState DACSecureState SimpleSecurity
             ControlProperty PreservesControlProp.

Hints Resolve UR GR UW GW UO GO Owner Group Level Categ.


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