
The Calculus of Inductive Constructions

Projet Coq


Rocquencourt - Orsay - Lyon

Coq V6.3

July 1st 1999

  • A Library for finite sets, implemented as lists
  • A Library with similar interface will soon be available under the name TreeSet in the theories/TREES directory
  • This is a slightly different library modified by the Lisex team

  • PolyList is loaded, but not exported
  • This allow to "hide" the definitions, functions and theorems of PolyList and to see only the ones of ListSet

Require PolyList.

Implicit Arguments On.

Section first_definitions.

  Variable A : Set.

  Hypothesis Aeq_dec : (x,y:A){x=y}+{~x=y}.

  Definition set := (list A).

  Definition empty_set := (nil A).

  Fixpoint set_add [a:A; x:set] : set :=
    Cases x of
    | nil => (cons a (nil A))
    | (cons a1 x1) => Cases (Aeq_dec a a1) of
                    | (left _) => (cons a1 x1)
                    | (right _) => (cons a1 (set_add a x1))

  Fixpoint set_mem [a:A; x:set] : bool :=
    Cases x of
    | nil => false
    | (cons a1 x1) => Cases (Aeq_dec a a1) of
                    | (left _) => true
                    | (right _) => (set_mem a x1)
  • If a belongs to x, removes a from x. If not, does nothing
  • This is the change introduced by the Lisex team

  Fixpoint set_remove [a:A; x:set] : set :=
    Cases x of
    | nil => empty_set
    | (cons a1 x1) => Cases (Aeq_dec a a1) of
                    | (left _) => (set_remove a x1)
                    | (right _) => (cons a1 (set_remove a x1))

  Fixpoint set_inter [x:set] : set -> set :=
    Cases x of
    | nil => [y](nil A)
    | (cons a1 x1) => [y]if (set_mem a1 y)
                      then (cons a1 (set_inter x1 y))
                      else (set_inter x1 y)

  Fixpoint set_union [x,y:set] : set :=
    Cases y of
    | nil => x
    | (cons a1 y1) => (set_add a1 (set_union x y1))

  • returns the set of all els of x that does not belong to y

  Fixpoint set_diff [x:set] : set -> set :=
    [y]Cases x of
    | nil => (nil A)
    | (cons a1 x1) => if (set_mem a1 y)
                      then (set_diff x1 y)
                      else (set_add a1 (set_diff x1 y))

  Definition set_In : A -> set -> Prop := (In 1!A).


Lemma Set_remove1: (B:set)(x:A)
  ~(set_In x (set_remove x B)).
Intro; Intro.
Induction B.

Elim (Aeq_dec x a).
Unfold not.
Unfold not in HrecB.
Apply HrecB; Auto.

Unfold not.
Unfold not in HrecB.
Elim H.
Cut a=x/\~a=x.





Lemma set_In_dec : (a:A; x:set){(set_In a x)}+{~(set_In a x)}.

Unfold set_In.
Induction x.

Cut {a=a0}+{~a=a0}.
Intro Eq_dec; Elim Eq_dec.
Intro Eq; Rewrite Eq; Left; Auto with datatypes.

Elim H.
Auto with datatypes.

Unfold not; Intros; Right; Intro.
Elim H0; Auto.



  Lemma set_mem_ind :
      ((set_In a x) -> (P y))
       ->(P z)
       ->(P (if (set_mem a x) then y else z)).

    Induction x; Simpl; Intros.
    Elim (Aeq_dec a a0); Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_mem_correct1 :
    (a:A)(x:set)(set_mem a x)=true -> (set_In a x).
    Induction x; Simpl.
    Intros a0 l; Elim (Aeq_dec a a0); Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_mem_correct2 :
    (a:A)(x:set)(set_In a x) -> (set_mem a x)=true.
    Induction x; Simpl.
    Intro Ha; Elim Ha.
    Intros a0 l; Elim (Aeq_dec a a0); Auto with datatypes.
    Intros H1 H2 [H3 | H4].
    Absurd a0=a; Auto with datatypes.
    Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_mem_complete1 :
    (a:A)(x:set)(set_mem a x)=false -> ~(set_In a x).
    Induction x; Simpl.
    Intros a0 l; Elim (Aeq_dec a a0).
    Intros; Discriminate H0.
    Unfold not; Intros; Elim H1; Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_mem_complete2 :
    (a:A)(x:set)~(set_In a x) -> (set_mem a x)=false.
    Induction x; Simpl.
    Intros a0 l; Elim (Aeq_dec a a0).
    Intros; Elim H0; Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_add_intro1 : (a,b:A)(x:set)
    (set_In a x) -> (set_In a (set_add b x)).

    Unfold set_In; Induction x; Simpl.
    Auto with datatypes.
    Intros a0 l H [ Ha0a | Hal ].
    Elim (Aeq_dec b a0); Left; Assumption.
    Elim (Aeq_dec b a0); Right; [ Assumption | Auto with datatypes ].

  Lemma set_add_intro2 : (a,b:A)(x:set)
    a=b -> (set_In a (set_add b x)).

    Unfold set_In; Induction x; Simpl.
    Auto with datatypes.
    Intros a0 l H Hab.
    Elim (Aeq_dec b a0);
    [ Rewrite Hab; Intro Hba0; Rewrite Hba0; Simpl; Auto with datatypes
    | Auto with datatypes ].

  Hints Resolve set_add_intro1 set_add_intro2 Set_remove1.

  Lemma set_add_intro : (a,b:A)(x:set)
    a=b\/(set_In a x) -> (set_In a (set_add b x)).
    Intros a b x [H1 | H2] ; Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_add_elim : (a,b:A)(x:set)
    (set_In a (set_add b x)) -> a=b\/(set_In a x).

    Unfold set_In.
    Induction x.
    Simpl; Intros [H1|H2]; Auto with datatypes.
    Simpl; Do 3 Intro.
    Elim (Aeq_dec b a0).
    Simpl; Intros; Elim H0.
    Trivial with datatypes.

  Hints Resolve set_add_intro set_add_elim.

  Lemma set_add_not_empty : (a:A)(x:set)~(set_add a x)=empty_set.
    Induction x; Simpl.
    Intros; Elim (Aeq_dec a a0); Intros; Discriminate.

  Lemma set_union_intro1 : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a x) -> (set_In a (set_union x y)).
    Induction y; Simpl; Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_union_intro2 : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a y) -> (set_In a (set_union x y)).
    Induction y; Simpl.
    Intros; Elim H0; Auto with datatypes.

  Hints Resolve set_union_intro2 set_union_intro1.

  Lemma set_union_intro : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a x)\/(set_In a y) -> (set_In a (set_union x y)).
    Intros; Elim H; Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_union_elim : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a (set_union x y)) -> (set_In a x)\/(set_In a y).
    Induction y; Simpl.
    Auto with datatypes.
    Generalize (set_add_elim H0).
    Intros [H1 | H1].
    Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_inter_intro : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a x) -> (set_In a y) -> (set_In a (set_inter x y)).
    Induction x.
    Auto with datatypes.
    Simpl; Intros a0 l Hrec y [Ha0a | Hal] Hy.
    Simpl; Rewrite Ha0a.
    Generalize (!set_mem_correct1 a y).
    Generalize (!set_mem_complete1 a y).
    Elim (set_mem a y); Simpl; Intros.
    Auto with datatypes.
    Absurd (set_In a y); Auto with datatypes.
    Elim (set_mem a0 y); [ Right; Auto with datatypes | Auto with datatypes].

  Lemma set_inter_elim1 : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a (set_inter x y)) -> (set_In a x).
    Induction x.
    Auto with datatypes.
    Simpl; Intros a0 l Hrec y.
    Generalize (!set_mem_correct1 a0 y).
    Elim (set_mem a0 y); Simpl; Intros.
    Elim H0; EAuto with datatypes.
    EAuto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_inter_elim2 : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a (set_inter x y)) -> (set_In a y).
    Induction x.
    Intros. Inversion H.
    Simpl; Intros a0 l Hrec y.
    Generalize (!set_mem_correct1 a0 y).
    Elim (set_mem a0 y); Simpl; Intros.
    Elim H0; [ Intro Hr; Rewrite <- Hr; EAuto with datatypes | EAuto with datatypes ] .
    EAuto with datatypes.

  Hints Resolve set_inter_elim1 set_inter_elim2.

  Lemma set_inter_elim : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a (set_inter x y)) -> (set_In a x)/\(set_In a y).
    EAuto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_diff_intro : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a x) -> ~(set_In a y) -> (set_In a (set_diff x y)).
    Induction x.
    Simpl; Intros a0 l Hrec y [Ha0a | Hal] Hay.
    Rewrite Ha0a; Generalize (set_mem_complete2 Hay).
    Elim (set_mem a y); [ Intro Habs; Discriminate Habs | Auto with datatypes ].
    Elim (set_mem a0 y); Auto with datatypes.

  Lemma set_diff_elim1 : (a:A)(x,y:set)
    (set_In a (set_diff x y)) -> (set_In a x).
    Induction x.
    Simpl; Intros a0 l Hrec y; Elim (set_mem a0 y).
    EAuto with datatypes.
    Intro; Generalize (set_add_elim H).
    Intros [H1 | H2]; EAuto with datatypes.

End first_definitions.

Section other_definitions.

  Variables A,B : Set.

  Definition set_prod : (set A) -> (set B) -> (set A*B) := (list_prod 1!A 2!B).

  • B^A, set of applications from A to B

  Definition set_power : (set A) -> (set B) -> (set (set A*B)) :=
    (list_power 1!A 2!B).

  Definition set_map : (A->B) -> (set A) -> (set B) := (map 1!A 2!B).

  Definition set_fold_left : (B -> A -> B) -> (set A) -> B -> B :=
     (fold_left 1!B 2!A).

  Definition set_fold_right : (A -> B -> B) -> (set A) -> B -> B :=
     [f][x][b](fold_right f b x).


End other_definitions.

Implicit Arguments Off.

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