Basic Security Theorem

Require Export ModelProperties.
Require Export aclstatIsSecure.
Require Export chmodIsSecure.
Require Export createIsSecure.
Require Export mkdirIsSecure.
Require Export openIsSecure.
Require Export addUsrGrpToAclIsSecure.
Require Export chobjscIsSecure.
Require Export chownIsSecure.
Require Export chsubscIsSecure.
Require Export closeIsSecure.
Require Export delUsrGrpFromAclIsSecure.
Require Export oscstatIsSecure.
Require Export owner_closeIsSecure.
Require Export readIsSecure.
Require Export readdirIsSecure.
Require Export rmdirIsSecure.
Require Export sscstatIsSecure.
Require Export statIsSecure.
Require Export unlinkIsSecure.
Require Export writeIsSecure.
Require InitialState.
Require Export Le.

  • This definition generalizes the notion of secure state. It includes all the security relevant conditions and also the mathematicals ones (for instance the one that asserts that subjectSC is a partial function).

Definition GeneralSecureState [s:SFSstate] : Prop :=
 (SecureState s)
 /\(StarProperty s)
 /\(FuncPre1 s)
 /\(FuncPre2 s)
 /\(FuncPre3 s)
 /\(FuncPre4 s)
 /\(FuncPre5 s)
 /\(FuncPre6 s)
 /\(FuncPre7 s).

  • The following Lemma shows that the initial state is a secure state.

Lemma InitialStateIsSecure:
     (GeneralSecureState InitState).
Unfold GeneralSecureState SecureState InitState DACSecureState
  SimpleSecurity StarProperty FuncPre1 FuncPre2 FuncPre3 FuncPre4
  FuncPre5 FuncPre6 FuncPre7; Simpl.
Repeat (Split; Auto).


  • The main lemma deals with secuences of SFSstates.
  • In that lemma we'll use the function nth (defined in PolyList) which takes a natural (n), a list, and a default element with the type of the list, and returns the n(th) element of list if there are enough elements in it, or the default element if not. For this reason, we need to define a default SFSstate. In fact we won't use it in the proof, it's just a type requirement.

Parameter defaultState: SFSstate.

  • The main Lemma for the model is the following one, wich says that for any given sequence of states such that the initial state is secure and for any two consecutives states, s and t, exists anoperation (op) and a user (u) executing it, such that (TransFunc u s op t) holds, then every state in the secuence is secure.

Lemma BasicSecurityTheorem:
 (tr:(list SFSstate))
  (GeneralSecureState (nth O tr defaultState))
     (lt n (length tr))
     ->(EX op:Operation | (EX u:SUBJECT |
         (TransFunc u
                    (nth n tr defaultState)
                    (nth (S n) tr defaultState)))))
     (le n (length tr))
     ->((GeneralSecureState (nth n tr defaultState))).
Induction n.

Generalize Hrecn.
Cut (EX op:Operation |
       (EX u:SUBJECT |
          (TransFunc u (nth n tr defaultState) op
            (nth (S n) tr defaultState)))).
Elim (nth n tr defaultState).
Elim H2; Intros.
Elim H3; Intros.
       (mkSFS groups primaryGrp subjectSC AllGrp RootGrp SecAdmGrp
         objectSC acl secmat files directories))
     ->(TransFunc u
         (mkSFS groups primaryGrp subjectSC AllGrp RootGrp SecAdmGrp
           objectSC acl secmat files directories) x
         (nth (S n) tr defaultState))
     ->(GeneralSecureState (nth (S n) tr defaultState)).
Intro GTR; Apply (GTR x0).
Apply Hrecn0; Auto with *.


Unfold GeneralSecureState; Intros u GSSi TF; Decompose [and] GSSi;
  Clear GSSi.
Induction x;
    [AclstatPSS AddUsrGrpToAclPSS ChmodPSS ChobjscPSS ChownPSS
     ChsubscPSS ClosePSS CreatePSS DelUsrGrpFromAclPSS MkdirPSS OpenPSS
     OscstatPSS Owner_ClosePSS ReadPSS ReaddirPSS RmdirPSS SscstatPSS
     StatPSS UnlinkPSS WritePSS] 2.

Induction x;
    [AclstatPSP AddUsrGrpToAclPSP ChmodPSP ChobjscPSP ChownPSP
     ChsubscPSP ClosePSP CreatePSP DelUsrGrpFromAclPSP MkdirPSP OpenPSP
     OscstatPSP Owner_ClosePSP ReadPSP ReaddirPSP RmdirPSP SscstatPSP
     StatPSP UnlinkPSP WritePSP] 2.

Unfold FuncPre1; Unfold FuncPre1 in H6; Decompose [and] H6;
  Repeat (Split; EAuto).

Unfold FuncPre2 FuncPre3 FuncPre4 FuncPre5 FuncPre6 FuncPre7;
  Unfold FuncPre2 FuncPre3 FuncPre4 FuncPre5 FuncPre6 FuncPre7
   in H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H14; Repeat (Split; EAuto).



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