Operation: readdir

  • This operation outputs the first n objects stored in a given directory.

Require Export DACandMAC.

Section Readdir.

Variable s: SFSstate.

Operation definition

Inductive readdir
  [u:SUBJECT; o:OBJECT; n:nat] : SFSstate -> (Exc DIRCONT) -> Prop :=

     (ObjType o)=Directory
     ->Cases (fsecmat (secmat s) o) of
        |None => False
        |(Some y) => (set_In u (ActReaders y))
       end -> (readdir u o n s
                       Cases (fsecmat (secmat s) o)
                             (fdirs (directories s) o) of
                        |None _ => (None DIRCONT)
                        |_ None => (None DIRCONT)
                        |(Some y)
                         (Some z) => (Some DIRCONT (take n z))

End Readdir.

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