


In our first version of Lisex (Lisex 0.0) we tried to follow the Linux Kernel design as much as possible. However, due to the addition of the proposed security features, it was necessary to modify certain kernel structures and/or functions. In what follows, we explain several general aspects about the design of Lisex's kernel, and their relationships with the original design.

The design document is composed of this page and the relationships between every system call and the formal modeled ones. More detailed information about the design can be found in the programmer's manual.


Linux follows most operating system’s basic architecture, that is, a user level software or application software layer, and a layer that contains the operating system’s kernel (see figure). The interaction between these layers is based on shared memory and procedure calls. The lower layer (kernel layer) defines a set of functions, widely known as system calls, which are used by the higher layer (user software) to invoke its services. The kernel use a protected mode of execution provided by the hardware, which hinders access of the lower layer data by higher layer software. 

The kernel's system calls can be grouped in a way that conceptually divides it into several sub-systems (memory management, process management, filesystems, etc.). There are cases where this division is not clear nor accurate (some process management functions can be accessed via the filesystem, for example). At source code level, these divisions are represented by one o more files (each with extension ".c" or ".h"), located at different directories (filesystem files are located in the "fs" directory, for example).

Each sub-system is composed of several data structures and auxiliary functions, which are not accessible from user space.  However, by the sake of efficiency, they are seldom hided behind abstract interfaces.


Components scheme of the Linux Kernel design. It shows ADTs present in Lisex design. Arrows indicate the most usual function calls patterns.This scheme is, by no means, complete, its only objective is to show components of interest for the present document.

The Filesystem

As we said, Lisex 0.0 is an improvement of the Linux kernel restricted (by now) to the filesystem operation. That's why, we will concentrate our design efforts in this specific sub-system.

The Linux filesystem is composed of various components: VFS (or Virtual Filesystem) and a component for each registered filesystem type (see figure). Filesystems which deal with real files are the most common, but there are other kinds of filesystems registered to VFS (as /proc, for example) that allow access to (usually not persistent) data in the same way we access traditional file data. Today, the most common filesystem type used for real files in Linux is EXT2.

In general terms, filesystems manage low level access to physical storage devices, while VFS goal is to show a unified interface which abstract the peculiarities of different filesystem types. Access to FAT filesystem files, for example, is done in the same way that EXT2 files are accessed, since in both cases what are really done are file operations over VFS structures. Real filesystems and VFS are connected to each other through the use of procedure calls and shared memory.

Lisex 0.0 introduces changes to VFS and EXT2. Those changes include system calls, auxiliary functions and data structures additions and modifications. Every modification preserves the interfaces, and design is not altered. Additions, on the other side, alter the design, and are described in detail in the following sections:


New System Calls

Lisex 0.0 extends the filesystems by the addition of the following system calls:

sys_acladd(), to add user or group permissions to files or directories ACLs.
sys_acldel(), to remove user or group permissions from files or directories ACLs.
sys_oscstat(), to return a file or directory access class.
sys_chobjsc(), to change a file or directory access class.
sys_aclstat(), to return a file or directory ACL.
sys_aclfstat(), the same as the last one, but for opened files or directories.
sys_chsubsc(), to change a user access class.
sys_sscstat(), to return a user access class.

For more detailed documentation about Lisex's design see the specification, and the programmer's manual.


New auxiliary functions

There are no new auxiliary functions at the EXT2 level. Only the following VFS level auxiliary functions where added:

may_open(), decides if an open operation over a file can be done or not. It uses the functions permission() and mac_permission(), and it is used by do_execve(), may_delete(), may_create(), sys_setuid() and open_namei().
acl_chmod_ok(), to check if sys_chmod() can be done. It is used by sys_chmod().
is_open(), to check if a given file is opened or not. It is used by sys_acladd(), sys_acldel(), sys_hobjsc(), sys_chmod(), sys_chown() y sys_lchown().
mac_permission(), to implement MAC and MLS security. It is used by may_open().
mac_permission(), to implement MAC and MLS security. It is used by may_open().
logged(), to check if a there are processes running on behalf of a given user. It is used by sys_chsubsc().

More details can be found in the programmer's manual. The next section details the new auxiliary functions added a part of new abstract data types.


New ADTs and data structures

Lisex 0.0 introduce four new abstract data types (ADT), that are described bellow. By saying ADT we mean a data structure together with a set of sub-programs delivered in a way such that the structure information can only be accessed and/or modified by the use of these programs. The data structure in commonly known as the ADT's secret, and the set of sub-programs its interfaces. Designs like this are said to be based in the principle of information hiding.

The Linux kernel is implemented in the C programming language, which makes it difficult to impose the information hiding principle at compilation time, as we would do with C++ for example. That is, it is possible to write code that violates the ADT concept, accessing and/or modifying data structure information in a direct way. The only way to follow this principle is to impose a programming discipline that states that programmers assume the compromise to access data structure information only via ADTs interfaces.

The defined ADTs are:

vfs-acl, whose secret is the VFS level ACL implementation, and provides functions to get the UNIX mode, given an ACL, to initialize an ACL, to establish user o group permissions, etc.
sc, which hides access class representation, and provide functions to get and set the level and categories of a given access class, to compare two access classes, etc.
acl_entry, whose secret is the VFS level internal representation of the tuple (U_G_ID, type, mode), which codifies the mode of a user or group depending on the value of type, and provide functions to alter and consult every tuple state.
subjectsc, which hides the way in which user access classes are stored, and provide functions to initialize an access class, to get and set a user access class, etc.
ext2_acl_entry, similar to acl_entry but at the EXT2 level.

More details can be found in the programmer's manual.

© 2003 por Grupo Gidis. Todos los derechos reservados.
Sitio diseñado por: Lorena Cantarini