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deroff, delatex – remove formatting requests
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deroff [ option ... ] file ...
delatex file
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Deroff reads each file in sequence and removes all nroff and troff(1)
requests and non-text arguments, backslash constructions, and
constructs of preprocessors such as eqn(1), pic(1), and tbl(1).
Remaining text is written on the standard output. Deroff follows
files included by .so and .nx commands; if a file has already
been included, a .so for that
file is ignored and a .nx terminates execution. If no input file
is given, deroff reads from standard input.
The options are
−w Output a word list, one ‘word’ (string of letters, digits, and
properly embedded ampersands and apostrophes, beginning with a
letter) per line. Other characters are skipped. Otherwise, the
output follows the original, with the deletions mentioned above.
−_ Like −w, but consider underscores to be alphanumeric rather
than punctuation.
−i Ignore .so and .nx requests.
−mm Remove titles, attachments, etc., as well as ordinary troff
constructs, from ms(7) or mm documents.
−ml Same as −mm, but remove lists as well.
Delatex does for tex and latex (see tex(1)) files what deroff
−wi does for troff files.
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These filters are not complete interpreters of troff or tex. For
example, macro definitions containing \$ cause chaos in deroff
when the popular $$ delimiters for eqn are in effect.
Text inside macros is emitted at place of definition, not place
of call.