Descripción: Proyecto I+D interinstitucional de asistencia recíproca. This project will develop a physically-based distributed model of wetland dynamics, including interactions among water flow, soil evolution and vegetation growth on a continuous basis, suitable for assessing the vulnerability and adaptation capabilities of estuarine wetlands to climate change. Instituciones participantes: Departamento de Hidráulica, Escuela de Ingeniería Civil, UNR y Civil, Surveying and Environmental Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia. Participantes por UNR: Gerardo Riccardi (responsable), P. Basile, F. Trivisonno, M. Garcia y H. Stenta; por Univ. de NewCastle: José Rodriguez (responsable), Patricia Saco, Steven S. Rojas y R. Seoane. Período: 01/01/2012 a 31/12/2015.